SOTD: Broken Social Scene

I'm still wrapping my mind and ears around this new Broken Social Scene album, but I realized that I always tend to gravitate towards their smooth jamz. The soft, whispery, eyes-closed ones that tuck you into a groove and take the edge off your day. Songs like "Looks Just Like the Sun," "Swimmers," "I'm Still Your Fag," and now "Sentimental X's." Which is ironic for a band more visible for its massive membership, huge sound, and life-affirming anthems. But that's what's so great about them - they cover the entire spectrum, and each album has pretty much everything I want in contemporary music.

This one is basically just a vehicle for Emily Haines' uber-cool croon and would fit in perfectly with her (much more popular but creatively less... ambitious) side project Metric.

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