Gaga oh la la

I vowed not to criticize artists in this space, so I will let an artist take the reins on this one. I also have to concede a healthy dose of ignorance to the fashion world that might prevent me from fully appreciating what others see as a brilliant melding of two art forms. But musically, I can't say I disagree.

Except when it comes to Madonna. Actually, JP and I had a conversation a while back in which I made the Gaga-Madonna comparison, and we vehemently disagreed on the latter's artistic merit. Doubtless you have an opinion on the subject. Personally, one look at the Immaculate Collection tracklist is all I need, but I can definitely understand the criticism. Sometimes, it's impossible to distinguish between the impact a song/album/artist has on you and its musical value. Was she brilliant, or am I simply a product of those impressionable '80s?? If I was my current age then, would I have felt the same way I do about contemporary pop stars?

Fair point, by the way, by the article's author that the Gaga debate is exactly what she's trying to accomplish.

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