SOTD: Mayer Hawthorne

The biggest surprise from the Outside Lands festival this weekend, Mr. Hawthorne had me dancing, laughing, and singing even before I sank my first Heineken. I loved every minute.

Motown-bred and Motown-styled but always with a wink and a smile. Which, as a white guy with a less-than-perfect voice, is really his only option. Somehow, he makes it work. Sheer force of personality, I suppose.

He finished with this jam, my favorite, and had everybody within 100 yards testing out their falsetto. In fact, I was singing it in line for the port-o-potty, and the kid in front of me turned around to finish the verse. Two guys, waiting for a portable toilet, trading falsettos. Doesn't happen every day.

Just Ain't Gonna Work Out by mecarro

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