Happy Friday

Ooo-we. Just picked up 6 albums - a whopping 82 songs - for my weekend listening pleasure.

Local Natives - Gorilla Manor
Pantha du Prince - Black Noise
Gil Scott-Heron - I'm New Here
Stricken City - Songs About People I Know

...and to scratch today's hip-hop itch...

Strong Arm Steady - In Search of Stoney Jackson
Elzhi - The Preface

Even though I'm a student, and the week/weekend divide is an illusion, there's still something special about Friday. And Friday mostly certainly calls for good music.

DB and I used to take our paychecks directly to the record store on Friday night every other week. Y'know, back when those existed, when you could get CDs for under $18, and when it was actually our goal to burn through every dollar we made (oh, yeah, and when I actually made money). Then we'd get a burrito, go home to Babs, and spend the evening throwing ourselves a little party - loud music, beers, video games, and general merriment. Some of my favorite times ever.

Today, I did it all online, but I'm still excited. Maybe it's time to bring back the tradition. Amoeba Friday's, anyone?

Anyway, I'll letcha know what's worth your while.

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